1708117596 Long delay in wage subsidies The TAQ Group wants to

Long delay in wage subsidies: The TAQ Group wants to give itself room for maneuver

The TAQ Group is constantly looking for great business opportunities and wants to give itself the opportunity to continue its 45-year mission: to enable as many people with limited skills as possible to advance in the job market.

In the coming months, the social enterprise will launch a new fundraising campaign aimed at raising enough money to “take advantage of all the opportunities that arise,” says its general manager Gabriel Tremblay.

“We have a very good relationship with the state authorities, but it takes time to receive funding. We miss certain opportunities, sometimes large orders where our people would work long hours, because we cannot react quickly enough,” he explains.

The Director General refers, among other things, to an expansion project that failed in recent years in Saint-Raymond, in Portneuf, due to the processing time from Quebec.

Financial flexibility would allow the non-profit organization (NPO) to accept contracts before receiving the required salary subsidies. This provision would also help prevent layoffs in an economic downturn.

“The goal is actually to enable as many of our employees as possible to remain on the labor market. All this money would be used exclusively for the development of the TAQ Group and to address the challenges that we will face.”

Bright eyes

More than 300 people with reduced mobility, autism or a disability work with a smile every day in the massive $14 million building built in 2018 on Rideau Street in Quebec.

“That’s why I’m so passionate about my job,” argues Gabriel Tremblay. We give these people the chance to achieve, socialize and work, and they give it back to us a hundredfold!”

Long delay in wage subsidies: The TAQ Group wants to give itself room for maneuver

Archive photo, QMI Agency

It is clear that the man who has been at the helm of the TAQ Group for more than 10 years is right. As he toured the 10,700 square meter headquarters with Le Journal, dozens of employees greeted him with a “Hello, Gabriel!”, a smile from ear to ear and big, sparkling eyes.

The bread and butter of these men and women who do not fit into the traditional labor market is found on the sidelines: they represent a turnkey subcontracting solution for large companies that lack labor to carry out certain tasks, such as Biscuits Leclerc, Costco or Chocolats Favoris.

“[Nos équipes] have more or less limited productivity, but they still have productivity. You contribute to society and are entitled to a salary. This turns them into consumers, which also helps the economy,” emphasizes Mr. Tremblay.

The shadow on the blackboard

When asked what the biggest challenge will be for his company in the coming years, Gabriel Tremblay answers immediately.

“Robotization and automation. We are competing with these machines that can take on assembly tasks. Our prices vary based on: As the installation and maintenance of robots becomes more affordable, many companies will turn to this solution rather than suitable companies.”

To counteract this phenomenon, TAQ Group's management team needs to demonstrate more innovation to keep its troops engaged.

Long delay in wage subsidies: The TAQ Group wants to give itself room for maneuver

Photo Stevens LeBlanc

One example is the pilot project to recover plastic from hundreds of millions of expired COVID tests. Another example is the collaboration with Alliance Impression 9000, a company specialized in printing acquired by Amqui in 2021.

“We are proactive and always looking for new ideas. If it can enable 40 disabled people to work for months, we are definitely there,” concludes the social entrepreneur, who gave up his civil service position in the 1990s without ever looking back.


Entrepreneurship is…? Take risks, plan the path, invest all your energy and convince others to be part of the adventure.

Who inspires you? My workers. They value what we offer them, namely respect and attention. It's so inspiring to see how they did it!

You become a politician, what do you do first? I will preach for my congregation, but it is certain that I would do everything in my power to make it easier for people with disabilities to have access to employment, for example by abolishing quotas.

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