Nerso da Capitinga refuses television and how he lives is

Nerso da Capitinga refuses television and how he lives is at least mysterious

Comedian Pedro Bismarck, known as the eternal Nerso da Capitinga, made a startling revelation

Undoubtedly everyone knows that Pedro BismarkWith the character, the comedian became very famous Capitinga nerve. Recently Pedro gave an interview to “Domingo Espetacular” and made a revelation that surprised everyone. The comedian said he’s not considering returning to television.

Designsemnome30Comedian Pedro Bismarck, known as the eternal Nerso da Capitinga, made a surprising revelation Photo: Reproduction

Incidentally, Pedro Bismarck revealed that he is currently living a peaceful life on a farm surrounded by nature. However, in his opinion, he does not live in isolation.

In the interview, the comedian revealed what he has done to stay connected to the artistic environment, but away from television. When Nerso de Capitinga was asked if he would return to television, the answer was direct and surprising, and at least mysterious.

“Oh no, you have to make room for the other boys. Someone left for me to enter. It’s the thing: Record text every week, the wheel alive. I’ll take my show for a while and stay with him for four, five years, look how wonderful it is!” said comedian Pedro Bismarck.

During the event, the comedian also remembers his first meeting with a great partner. “When I first met Chico Anysio, I didn’t even know what to say,” he said.

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Comedian Pedro Bismarck, known as the eternal Nerso da Capitinga, made a surprising revelation  photo: reproductionComedian Pedro Bismarck, known as the eternal Nerso da Capitinga, made a surprising revelation Photo: Reproduction

Chico Anysio

For those who don’t know, in 1990, the great comedian Chico invited Anysio Pedro Bismarck to become Professor Raimundo’s “student”. The attraction, which took on a life of its own after being part of the Chico Anysio Show, was very successful and introduced Bismarck’s character across Brazil.

“The humor of Minas Gerais is purer, more naïve, more innocent, more charismatic. Nerso is not the fool who causes pity, but the ignoramus who knows how to plant and handle things of the earth, but he had no access to other information,” Pedro told Jornal do Brasil.

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