1682092592 The Podemos candidate in Asturias locks herself in party headquarters

The Podemos candidate in Asturias locks herself in party headquarters to run the list

The Podemos candidate in Asturias locks herself in party headquarters

The Podemos candidate for the presidency of the Principality of Asturias, Covadonga Tomé, who is critical of the regional and national leadership of the purple formation, locked herself this Thursday along with a dozen like-minded people at the formation’s headquarters in Gijón, demanding that the months ago of regional candidacy elected by the registrants is fully respected.

The detention was lifted at the end of a long-awaited meeting between the candidate and the purple formation’s interim coordinator, Rafael Palacios, who took the lead before the loss of coordinator and national MP Sofía Castañón, to address the party’s internal crisis in the community . According to Tomé, Palacios insisted on the meeting to delist number four in the candidacy, Jorge Fernández, who had recently been suspended from membership for six months and from participating in panels and working groups for two years.

“I will leave here with the democracy and values ​​of Podemos intact; Until then I will stay at Podemos headquarters, the phone is open 24 hours. I am a person who is not afraid to defend what he believes in and who fights for it to the end,” Tomé said in a statement.

According to Tomé, management is proposing to remove Fernández from the candidacy and to integrate his spokeswoman and councilor during the last two terms in Oviedo City Council, Ana Taboada, who came fourth in the primaries and seventh on the list related to the sector led by Palacios, who declined to make any statements.

The candidate also assures that six people from her team, including herself, have been classified by the Podemos leadership for events before the regional primaries “mandated according to the internal regulations of the party” and that in the case of Fernández He was sanctioned for opinions, which he had voiced within the highest leadership body of the party.

From the Podemos executive in Asturias, they reply that they “are not trying to get anyone out” and explain that Jorge Fernández has a “sanction of suspension of membership for serious and persistent verbal attacks for months against several party colleagues”, for which “automatically barred from inclusion on the electoral roll under party regulations. The same sources describe the behavior of Tomé’s team as “worrying” and claim their only defense is that they were “prescribed facts” when they were sanctioned, which, like them emphasize “is completely wrong”, reports Paula Chouza.

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“What I would like to ask of our candidate is that she presents herself, that she is a candidate, that she has our full support, that of the organization in Asturias and at state level, and that we all come together to achieve the best results” , the party’s general secretary, Ione Belarra, was confined to the crisis during an event in Toledo.

On the other hand, the four councilors in Langreo City Hall who are critical of the current leadership, “Cristina García, Luis Baragaño, Elías López and Blanca Pantiga”, have also announced their decision to resign in the next few hours.